High performance, waterproofing liquid membrane

HY-688 Dryflex is consisted of hybrid polymer with modified EVA and acrylic to reach the range of high performance, one-component, seamless, and cold-applied liquid waterproofing membrane.


  • Indoor: bathroom, kitchen & terrace
  • Outdoor: roof, floor joint, parapet and wall


  • Single pack, liquid-applied, easy to apply.
  • Excellent hydrolysis resistance.
  • Still can curing when apply on the moisture surface without observed water.
  • The middle layer of the tile, the top coating or each cement-based finished surface.


  • The product should not be applied at temperatures below 5℃ or above 35℃, surface humidity content >15%, or if humid conditions are expected to prevail during the curing period of the paint film. Otherwise, blisters will be created on the surface of the coating, leading to aesthetic issues.
  • If under specific ambient conditions: extreme weather, high heat, strong sunlight, fierce-dry winds, or the application surface is under high absorbing situation, the time of application will be shortened.
  • AFTEK auxiliary product: AFTEK exclusive primer.
  • Substrate types to be primed in advance:
    • Sandy surface or full of powder-like ingredients
    • Very absorbent and brittle surfaces
    • Damp concretes
  • Suggest thickness is 1mm under two-times applied. After more than 1hour or the surface drying, no sticking, the second layer could be applied.

Product Datasheet